8 research outputs found


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    Local culture control individual behavior in entire life. Symbols, meanings, and values of local culture has been shifted. Local culture is even almost extinct so it needs to be preserved by the teenager especially students as a group of cultural heirs, such as students at MTs and MA Al-Jamil, Batukliang Utara, Lombok Tengah. Efforts to preserve local culture are carried out by giving knowledge about Sasak culture. The method of this assistance has four stages what is preparation, initial observation, implementation, and evaluation. The result of this assistance is knowledge and understanding enhancement about the symbols, meanings, and values of Sasak culture. This is initial stage to internalizing the values contained in local culture such as discipline in daily life


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    This paper presented used remote sensing method for identification geological structure on Blawan-Ijengeothermal field and its system. Remote sensing data, specifically Landsat 8 and DEM SRTM, provide lineaments from the 753 multispectral band and the land surface temperature (LST) from single thermal infra red band using a retrieval method. Surface emissivity was determined based on Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) of study area. Remote sensing analysis is good approach to identification of geological structure from surface that control thermal manifestation in Blawan geothermal field. It shows Blawan fault is the main structure in geothermal field which associated with high LST and hot springs. Interpretation indicated reservoir of Blawan-Ijen geothermal system spread from Plalangan to southwest area. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi struktur geologi dan gambaran sistem panasbumi Blawan-Ijen dengan aplikasi penginderaan jauh. Data penginderaan jauh khususnya citra multispektral komposit 753 Landsat 8 dan DEM SRTM digunakan sebagai data untuk mendelineasi struktur patahan di permukaan. Suhu permukaan tanah diperoleh dari pengolahan citra thermal inframerah Landsat 8 dengan bantuan metode semi empiris. Emisivitas permukaan diperoleh berdasarkan klasifikasi indeks vegetasi NDVI daerah penelitian. Analisis data penginderaan jauh merupakan pendekatan yang cukup baik dalam mengidentifikasi struktur geologi yang mengontrol manifestasi panasbumi Blawan. Hasil interpretasi menunjukkan patahan Blawan adalah struktur utama di daerah geothermal Blawan yang berasosiasi dengan suhu permukaan tanah yang tinggi dan deretan mata air panas. Interpretasi mengindikasikan reservoir sistem panasbumi Blawan berada di bawah permukaan Plalangan dan menerus dari Plalangan menuju arah barat daya daerah penelitian


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    Pengetahuan masyarakat Desa Mertak Tombok, Kabupaten Lombok Tengah tentang jenis dan pemanfaatan tanaman obat untuk mengatasi penyakit degeneratif masih terbatas. Padahal tanaman obat seperti tanaman telang kaya khasiat untuk penyakit degeneratif dan mudah ditemui di alam.  Pengabdian masyarakat telah dilakukan dengan tujuan peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat Desa Mertak Tombok tentang pemanfaatan tanaman bunga telang sebagai tanaman obat anti hipertensi. Sebagian besar dampingan yang merupakan perempuan dewasa dan lansia mendapatkan pengetahuan baru terkait cara pemanfaatan dan khasiat seduhan bunga telang sebagai anti hipertensi. Selain itu masyarakat dampingan telah diinisiasi untuk membudidayakan tanaman obat di pekarangannya sebagai apotek hidup. Namun perlu adanya kegiatan promosi kesehatan lebih lanjut bersama tenaga kesehatan pada seluruh lapisan masyarakat Desa Mertak Tombok sehingga pengetahuan dan pemanfaatan tanaman herbal tetap hidup di tengah masyarakat

    Technical performance test of drip irrigation system on cayenne pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.) cultivation in dry land of Slengen Village, North Lombok

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    Cayenne pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.) is an agricultural commodity with a high economic value. Increasing cayenne pepper production in dry lands is hampered by limited water availability. Therefore, water use efficiency is required, one of which is the implementation of drip irrigation. This study aimed to test the performance of a drip irrigation system in the cayenne pepper farmland of Slengen Village, which is located in the lowlands with a dry climate (D4). Emitter discharge, emitter flow rate, and crop water requirements were used to determine the length of time the drip irrigation system was operational at each growth phase. The results show that the emitter discharge uniformity coefficient was 86.6% with a droplet distribution efficiency of 89.80%, which is included in the good category. This indicates that the drip irrigation system is suitable for irrigating plants evenly within the required water volume

    Identifikasi Struktur Geologi Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Suhu Permukaan Tanah Berdasarkan data LANDSAT 8 di lapangan panasbumi BLAWAN

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi struktur geologi dan gambaran sistem panasbumi Blawan-Ijen dengan aplikasi penginderaan jauh. Data penginderaan jauh khususnya citra multispektral komposit 753 Landsat 8 dan DEM SRTM digunakan sebagai data untuk mendelineasi struktur patahan di permukaan. Suhu permukaan tanah diperoleh dari pengolahan citra thermal inframerah Landsat 8 dengan bantuan metode semi empiris. Emisivitas permukaan diperoleh berdasarkan klasifikasi indeks vegetasi NDVI daerah penelitian. Analisis data penginderaan jauh merupakan pendekatan yang cukup baik dalam mengidentifikasi struktur geologi yang mengontrol manifestasi panasbumi Blawan. Hasil interpretasi menunjukkan patahan Blawan adalah struktur utama di daerah geothermal Blawan yang berasosiasi dengan suhu permukaan tanah yang tinggi dan deretan mata air panas. Interpretasi mengindikasikan reservoir sistem panasbumi Blawan berada di bawah permukaan Plalangan dan menerus dari Plalangan menuju arah barat daya daerah penelitian.hal.1-11 : ilus. ; 30 c

    Effects of Media Combination and Fertilization Frequency on Growth and Yield of Pakcoy

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    The demand for pakcoy continues to increase as more people must be aware of their nutritional needs. One important factor in pakcoy cultivation is the use of planting media. The main objective was to find out the best media combination and frequency to apply fertilizers for efficiency in intensive growing. The research was conducted in Cikabayan, IPB Bogor using RAL Factorial with six treatment combination and three replications. The first factor was media combination (rice husk, cocopeat, and compost), while the second factor was fertilization frequency (every week and every two weeks). Parameters observation consists of vegetative growth (plant height, number of leaves wide and length of leaves, and width of the stump) and plant production (wet weight and weight suitable for consumption). Research results indicated that planting media combination of rice husk and compost (1:1) gave a better result than other treatments in increasing leaf length (11.36 cm) and wet weight (47.12 grams). The frequency of application of foliar fertilizer had no different effect on pakcoy growth and yield and no interaction significantly between media combination and fertilization frequency